
The challenges of our time require practical and creative solutions. With SolarPunk Now we offer new tools and ideas for a utopian now.

Come on, let's change the world.

  • SolarPunk

    SolarPunk is an optimistic vision and future movement in which technology and nature work harmoniously together. SolarPunks inspire creative solutions to environmental challenges by combining art, design and technology. This positive and innovative approach can bring people from different backgrounds together to work together towards a future worth living.

  • NOW

    Now it's about not just dreaming the idea of ​​a utopian future virtually, but making it reality with tools, ideas and new approaches.

    When we realize how much potential there is in all of us, we also have the ability to create the world as we please.

  • World

    Think globally, act locally. The path to a harmonious symbiosis of nature, people and technology is a global adventure that we can all take together. Depending on the context, challenges are different and solutions are diverse.

    Infinity Stonepaper, Beenius and permaculture are connecting pieces that can be used very differently everywhere.

The founding duo: Ehrlich & Friedrich

Agnes Friedrich and Denny Ehrlich are a socially innovative artist couple.

Agnes Friedrich is well known in the sustainable fashion and textile industry and, as an artist, social entrepreneur and permaculture activist, is committed to spreading new ideas and approaches.

Denny Ehrlich is a social and systemic innovator, political scientist and entrepreneur and has researched solutions in both Europe and the African continent to address global challenges with scalable low-tech solutions.

Photo: Christoph Neumann

Ideas? Questions? Feel free to write to us.